Off-market deals since the suspension are mostly being struck between passive investors such as tracker funds, and hedge funds who had borrowed the stock to short it and must buy it back to cover the loans. 停牌以来的场外交易大多是在被动投资者(如指数基金)与对冲基金(它们此前借入该股进行卖空操作,现在必须买回股票归还)之间达成的。
Corporate executives have borrowed against their stock holdings for years using such loans. 公司高管们通过这类贷款用所持股票作抵押借取资金已经有好些年了。
Hong Kong permits "covered" short selling, which requires the seller to have borrowed the stock or to have obtained a confirmation that the lender has the stock available at the time of sale. 香港允许“有担保的”卖空交易即要求卖家已借入股票,或已获得确认,证明出借人在卖出时有股票。
This in turn led many investors to apply insights borrowed from the Capital Asset Pricing Model, which views returns on a stock as coming from two components: the direction of the market as a whole ( beta), and factors unique to that stock ( alpha). 这进而使得许多投资者用起了资本资产定价模型(CapitalAssetPricingModel)的观点,这种观点认为股票的回报来自两部分:总体市场的方向(贝塔),以及某只股票的特殊因素(阿尔法)。
Short-selling is a trading strategy of selling borrowed stock in hopes it falls and can be repurchased at a lower price. 卖空是一种出售借入的股票、以期将来能以较低价格重新买入的交易策略。
Lenders in Hangzhou, an eastern city, voiced concerns about loans to property developers and small exporters after some of them invested borrowed funds in stock futures to earn a quick buck. 杭州一些地下钱庄就表示为发放给房地产开发商和小型出口企业的贷款感到担心,因为其中有些人把借来的钱拿去投资股票期货,就为了快点来钱。
If a trader has borrowed a stock that is subsequently halted, he cannot complete the trade. 如果交易员借入了一只随后被停牌的股票,他就不可能完成交易。
Excess over the debit balance ( money borrowed) in a stock account. 存在股票账户上用来借钱买卖短期证券的资金。
This person sells "borrowed" stock, in hope of replacing it later with stock bought on the open market at a lower price. 他出售借来的股票,想在股票价格下跌之后再在市场上买回来。
Highlighting problems, the audit office noted that some local governments had illegally invested borrowed funds in the stock and property markets, and that some debt was going unpaid or being covered only through new loans. 在介绍当前存在的各种问题时,国家审计署指出,一些地方政府将借来的资金非法投资于股市和楼市,同时一些债务逾期未得到偿还,或只是通过借新债还旧债。
The balance is borrowed at interest from the brokerage house and the stock certificates are deposited with the broker as security. 其余的钱以一定的利息从经纪人事务所那里借贷,同时把股票认购证存放在经纪人手里作为抵押。
These trades seek to make money by selling borrowed shares and then buying the equivalent position back later at lower price before returning the stock to the lender. 卖空交易通过卖出借入股票,在较低价位时再买进还给借出机构而获利。
So-called investment trusts used investor money and borrowed funds to buy high-flying securities, sometimes buying stock in one another. 所谓的“投资信托”利用投资者的钱和借来的资金买进价格高得离谱的证券,有时甚至是互相买进股票。
Short selling is selling borrowed stock in the expectation of buying it back later at a lower price, and keeping the difference. 卖空是出售借来股票,期望随后以更低价格购回,从而获取差价。
At the same time, private equity firms, bloated on credit, turned into a highly borrowed play on the stock market. 同时,信用膨胀的私募股本公司,转变成股票市场的高借贷角色。
Mr Kurian begged and borrowed more funds, including loans from banks and contributions from service providers such as Air India, the ground-handling agent, in exchange for stock and a share of the revenue. 库里安求得、借得了更多资金,包括银行贷款;此外还有印度航空公司(airindia)等航空服务提供商的出资,作为交换,它们可以持有股票、分享收入。
The main points are: the borrowed Chinese words have permeated into the basic word stock of oral language, not a few of which have been transformed into the borrowed words; 主要有几点:汉语借词已经渗入到满语口语的基本词汇当中,有相当一部分基本词汇已经转用汉语借词。